Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another Fine A.R.t Galerie Venue!

Saturday, 30 June 2012 @ 4P SLT (PDT):  DJ Gabrielle Riel, of Radio Riel

You are cordially invited to join us in celebration of the fine artwork by Briawinde Magic, Elbow Muggins and Aruba DeCuir.  All installations are fabulous! Available for both your pleasure and/or purchase.  Gabrielle Riel will DJ and eclectic mix of music for us at the event.

Bring a friend, bring you and be prepared to celebrate the arts.  :-)  Cheers, -- Teo.

Join us @ A.R.t Galerie in Second Life

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Celebrating the fine art of Briawinde Magic, Elbow Muggins and Aruba DeCuir

Saturday, 16 June @ 2P SLT

You are cordially invited to join us in celebration of the fine artwork by Briawinde Magic, Elbow Muggins and Aruba DeCuir.  All installations are fabulous! Available for both your pleasure and/or purchase.  Ringo Robonaught will perform live for us at the event.  Bring a friend, bring you and be prepared to celebrate the arts.  :-)  Cheers, -- Teo.

Join us @ A.R.t Galerie in Second Life