Friday, December 30, 2011

End of Year Celebration of the Arts!

Friday, 30 Dec 2011 @ 5P PDT/SLT

It's been a fabulous year @ A.R.t Galerie.  Come listen to bFlat Unplugged's sexy voice as he serenades us with fine jazz and pop tunes.  bFlat is a lot of fun, loves to perform, and is engaging and entertaining all in one.

We're celebrating not just 2011, most importantly the three fine artists on exhibit!
  • Walt Ireton (main floor)
  • Dori Helstein (middle floor)
  • Aneli Abeyante (top floor) 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TODAY @ 11A PDT/SLT > Davadean Madrigal LIVE!

We welcome the glorious and talented Davdean Madrigal to A.R.t Galerie.  She'll perform live for us as we celebrate the fine talent of our three exhibiting artists:  Walt Ireton, Dori Helstein, and Aneli Abyante.  Hope you can join us!  We'll have fun with the music, dancing, and glorifying the art!  :-)


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cylindrian Rutabaga performs LIVE! for our 3 fine Artists

Cylindrian Rutabaga will perform for us with her folksy, angelic voice as we celebrate three fine artistsWalt Ireton's photography on the main floor, Dori Helstein combines poetry and art on the middle floor, and Aneli Abeyante lends her collection on the top floor.

Please join us for fine music and celebrate the arts!

WHEN:  Sunday, 27 November 2011, 4P SLT/PDT


Friday, November 11, 2011

November - December 2011 Installations

Alas, another year is coming to an end! However, it is with great pleasure that A.R.t Galerie is hosting a variety of fine art from Germany, France, and Algeria! Walt Ireton's photography (Germany) is on the main floor, Dori Helstein (Algeria) combines poetry and art on the middle floor, and Aneli Abeyante (France) lends her collection on the top floor.  Please welcome these very fine artists to A.R.t Galerie! 

Our opening exhibit party will be held Sunday, 13 November @ 1P SLT/PDT.  Gina Gracemount, a lovely jazz/blues singer, will perform live for us.  

Bring a friend! Hope you will be able to join us as we celebrate the arts!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Congratulations A.R.t Galerie! and YOU!!!

I just want to thank everyone who has attended, exhibited, participated and performed at the A.R.t Galerie over the past four years.  I am not gonna stop!  :-)  This is a lovely time, for ALL OF US!  I'm very proud of all those artists in SL who are also, mostly, RL artists as well.  Some are only RL artists, whom I've brought into SL. 

Regardless, the art is real and powerful.  It provides me with much hope and love and passion!  Thank you!!!

Cheers! -- Teo.

The first hours of A.R.t Galerie's Anniversary Celebration

 So far, we've had a fabulous turnout!  Many friends, old and new showing up.  I am so pleased to see the artists returning to A.R.t Galerie.  This celebration is for YOU!!!

bFlat is providing a gracious two hour set for us.  It's been lovely, needless to say.  :-) 

4th Anniversary Events!

It's TODAY!  A.R.t Galerie celebrates her 4th anniversary.  :-)  Here are some of the live events being held today:
  • 1P - 3P SLT:  bFlat Unplugged (special 2 hour set!)
  • 4P SLT: Davadean Madrigal
  • 5P SLT:  Cylindrian Rutabaga
It's a special time for me, well, all of us!  I'm so honoured to have hosted so many talented artists throughout the years.  From now through October we have RONIN1 SHIPPE exhibiting on the main floor.  A collective of works curated by TALLULAH WINTERWOLF, "5 Good Girls & 3 Boys," on the second floor.  On the top floor, I've created a collection of various works that have been hosted at A.R.t Galerie over the years.  

Hope you can join us for the celebration.  We'll be going all day long, so pop in when you have a moment.

Cheers,  -- Teo.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Baby!

Wordle: A.R.t Galerie in Second Life I cannot believe that it's been four years already! A.R.t Galerie is officially four years old.  I started using Second Life in February, 2007.  I met an amazing and inspirational real life artist who drove me to the creation of A.R.t Galerie -- he was my muse.  The "A" and "R" represent the initials of our real life names.  He is a very talented still life artist.  Isn't it ironic that Still Life (SL) and Second Life (SL) would meet in this way?

Since September 2007 I have hosted over 42 artists at A.R.t Galerie.  I have had many other inspirations that helped me to develop and form my galerie into what it is today.  I feel blessed to have worked with so many talented artists.  I am honoured to have met so many gifted and talented individuals.

This exhibit, which will run through the remainder of this month through October 2011, will be quite a celebration!  I will host a new artist (to A.R.t Galerie) on the main floor:  Ronin1 Shippe.  On the middle floor, I will host a collection of work developed by another colleague in Second Life, Tallulah Winterwofl.  On the top floor, I will host a collage of various work that has exhibited at A.R.t Galerie over the years.

Our first event will be this Sunday, 21 August @ 4P SLT/PDT.  Sexy blues & jazz vocolist, bFlat Unplugged will perform LIVE for us, as we begin our celebration of the arts and the exhibiting talented artists.

Cheers!  :-)  -- Teo.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

June/July Exhibit Closing Event 31 Jul @ 5P SLT/PDT

This is our June/July Exhibit Closing Event. The three artists on exhibit have displayed such fabulous work to enjoy, purchase, or gift to a friend or loved one:   

*  Faubio Alter 
*  Avoid Clarity

Come listen to bFlat Unplugged's sexy voice as he serenades us with fine jazz and pop tunes. bFlat is a lot of fun, loves to perform, and is engaging and entertaining all in one. 

Hope to see you all there! We'll be hoppin'! :-)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

KatRose Serendipity & Music Oxygen
We had a fabulous turnout today @ A.R.t Galerie.  Both CHUCKMATRIX & Faubio ( two of the three exhibiting artists) were in attendance.  Faubio sold one of her pieces!  KatRose & Music were, as usual, an awesome dual performance!  Fun had by all.  Great seeing you all there.  Yae!  :-)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Event > Sun, 10 Jul @ 1pm SLT/PDT

Please join us for another live venue in celebration of our three exhibiting artists:
  • Faubio Alter
  • Avoid Clarity
Magical guitar duo/singer/songwriters >> KatRose Serendipity & Music Oxygen << will perform LIVE for us, as we celebrate the arts and these talented artists.

Bring a friend! There is plenty of art on display for purchase & to simply enjoy.

Hope to see you there.  Cheers! -- Teo.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Next Live Venue for our Artists - Sun, June 19 > 12P-2P SLT

You're invited to attend a dual live venue featuring Ringo Robonaught, as he belts out his witty, fun-loving  music and voice @ 12:00P, followed by Gina Gracemount, jazz vocalist at 1P, as we celebrate the very fine art of our three exhibiting artists:
  • Faubio Alter
  • Avoid Clarity
Celebration begins Sun, June 19 @ 12P SLT.  Let's show our appreciation of the arts.  Plenty of work on display for your pleasure and/or purchase.

Hope to see you there!  :-)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Excellent Exhibit Opening!

Thank you all for attending today's opening exhibit  celebration!  :-)  So many new and friendly faces.  Joaquin was excellent in his performance, as always.  Our next event will be Sunday, 19 Jun @ 1P w/ Gina Gracemount.  Cheers! -- Teo

June/July Exhibit Opening! June 5 @ 1P SLT

I am pleased to announce our June/July artists:
  • Chuckmatrix Clip (main floor and grounds)
  • Faubio Alter (second floor)
  • Avoid Clarity (third floor)
Join us Sunday, June 5 @ 1P PDT/SLT as we open this exhibit with live music by Argentinian acoustic guitarist, Joaquin Gustav.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, May 30, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Closing Event > Tue, 31 May @ 5P SLT

 Joaquin Gustav -- acoustic guitar/ LIVE!

A.R.t Galerie is hosting its final closing venue with live music in celebration of its three April/May exhibiting artists:
>> Michaelangelo Montague (main floor)
>> KayeElle (middle floor)
>> Caer Cale (top floor)

Please join us with live Argentinian acoustic guitarist, Joaquin Gustav. He's pure talent! He'll entertain us with relaxing and uplifting music. We'll be celebrating the art and artists! 

It's been a pure joy to have such three talented artists at A.R.t Galerie.  I will miss their presence, yet, I am sure their spirit and friendship will be with us for many more times to follow.  Thank you, Michaelangel, Kaye, & Caer!  <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Event > 15 May 2011 @ 1P PDT/SLT

A.R.t Galerie Event:  LIVE MUSIC!!! Magical guitar duo/singer/songwriters >> KatRose Serendipity & Music Oxygen.

    * Michaelangelo Montague, main floor
    * KayeElle, second floor
    * Caer Cale, top floor

All are welcome, invite your friends! and let's simply get together and have a great time and great music. Drinks and refreshments provided. Cheers! -- Teo.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another Great Event @ the Galerie!

Today we had Ringo Robonaught perform live for us as we celebrated the fine works of our three exhibiting artists:

* Michaelangelo Montague, main floor
* KayeElle, second floor
* Caer Cale, top floor

Thank you all for coming! Our next event will be Sunday, May 15 @ 1pm PDT/SLT.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Great Time @ the April/May 2011 Opening Exhibit

We had a fabulous time @ A.R.t Galerie this evening!  KatRose Serendipity & Music Oxygen performed another lovely set, opening the April-May 2011 Exhibit.

All three artists made their appearance!  Michaelangelo Montague, KayeElle, and Caer Cale.

Many new and familiar faces showed up.  A lovely turnout to say the least!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April - May Exhibit Grande Opening! 3 April 2011 @ 1P PDT/SLT

A.R.t Galerie Opening:  LIVE MUSIC!!! Magical guitar duo/singer/songwriters >> KatRose Serendipity & Music Oxygen.
  • Michaelangelo Montague, main floor 
  • KayeElle, second floo 
  • Caer Cale, top floor
All are welcome, invite your friends! and let's simply get together and have a great time and great music. Drinks and refreshments provided. Cheers! -- Teo.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Great Time @ the Closing Exhibit for the Feb/Mar Show

I am so pleased!  We had a fabulous turnout at the closing of the Feb/Mar exhibit @ A.R.t Galerie today.  So many familiar and new faces.  Art was purchased.  And we danced and had a fabulous time with a live performance by Gina Gracemount.  What a lovely, jazzy, sultry voice this woman has!  Thank you!

Thank you to all who have performed @ the A.R.t Galerie over the past two months!!  :-)

Thanks, especially to our three talented artists:
  • Aviva Brueckner
  • Masako
  • Karalee Larrson
I have so enjoyed this show.  Each and every artist was a delight to work with!
:-)  Cheers, -- Teo.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Closing Exhibit Celebration - Live Music w/ Gina Gracemount > Sunday, 27 March @ 1P PDT/SLT

Celebrating our artists with LIVE music performed by Gina Gracemount, she has a smooth bluesy style that lends itself well to many genres of music, from jazz to blues, through modern romantic and R&B/Rock.  We're gonna close this exhibit with fun times, gathering together, dancing and celebrating our artists and their works!

 >> Aviva Brueckner (main floor)
>> Masako (middle floor)
>> Karalee Larrsson (top floor)

It's been a fabulous two months with these artists.  I'm very honoured to have been able to host them.  I wish them well and welcome them back for another exhibit.  I hope you will be able to join us.  :-)

Cheers! -- Teo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gallery Event w/ bFlat Unplugged > Sat, 26 Mar @ 4P SLT

He's baaaack! Come listen to bFlat Unplugged's sexy voice as he serenades us with fine jazz and pop tunes.  bFlat is a lot of fun, loves to perform, and is engaging and entertaining all in one.

The three artists on exhibit have such fabulous work to enjoy, purchase, or gift to a friend or loved one.  The performance is streamed live throughout the Galerie and dance balls too... so you can walk through the Galerie, enjoy the art & listen to the music.  :-)

He'll be performing live at the A.R.t Galerie @ New Boston Art Colony.
Hope to see you all there!  We'll be hoppin'! :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gallery Event /w Ringo Robonaught Folk/ Fun > Sun, 6 Mar @ 1P SLT

Please join us in celebrating the exhibiting artists @ A.R.t Galerie with the entertaining, live performance by Ringo Robonaught.  Bring and friend and let's celebrate the arts!  :-)

A.R.t Galerie, New Boston Art Colony (47, 19, 23)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Event: 27 Feb 2011 @ 1P SLT

 Joaquin Gustav -- acoustic guitar/ LIVE!

A.R.t Galerie is hosting another live music venue in celebration of its three exhibiting artists:
>> Aviva Brueckner (main floor)
>> Masako (middle floor)
>> Karalee Larrsson (top floor)

Please join us with live Argentinian acoustic guitarist, Joaquin Gustav. He's pure talent! He'll entertain us with relaxing and uplifting music. We'll be celebrating the art and artists!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Event: 26 Feb 2011 @ 1P SLT

bFlat Unplugged @ A.R.t Galerie

Come listen to bFlat Unplugged's sexy voice as he serenades us with fine jazz and pop tunes.  bFlat is a lot of fun, loves to perform, and is engaging and entertaining all in one.

He'll be performing live at the A.R.t Galerie @ New Boston Art Colony.
Hope to see you all there!
We'll be hoppin'! :-)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Boston Art Colony Resident Receives Award!

New Boston Artist Moe Sandalwood has won a prize at the UWA Art Challenge. In the January 2011 round he was awarded the Workhouse & Art Place d-o-o-b Prize for his piece "Shivering Rock".

This is what the panel had to say about his piece:
"Moeuhane Sandalwood has created a fresh and unique sculpture titled "Shivering Rock." It depicts a large boulder undulating slowly, as if from the cold or from some mysterious interior force. The concept has humor, originality and a certain sense of daring and self-assurance. There is also a tangible uneasiness to it, a sort of unsettling sense of the ominous, like something that just shouldn't be happening. The execution is basic but adequate. It definitely isn't slick or flashy, but it is effective in its ability to captivate and engage the viewer. It is almost monumental in its subtlety, and deceptively simple in appearance. For these reasons, the Art Place and the Workhouse Gallery are please to recommend it for the January UWA 3D Open Art Challenge award."

He received a trophy $ 5000L$

He will have to make some room at his gallery to show it. Presently the piece can only be seen here: Driftwood Gallery, Gariepy (165, 240, 1202)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Feb/Mar Exhibit

We have three new artists exhibiting @ A.R.t Galerie! We also have our opening event on Sunday, 6 Feb 2011 @ 1P SLT > Ringo Robonaught performing live for us to celebrate the artists and their work!

>> Aviva Brueckner (main floor)
>> Masako (middle floor)
>> Karalee Larrsson (top floor)

This is a publicly open art gallery, come as you like... celebrate with us on Sunday, 6 February. Cheers, -- Teo

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A.R.t Galerie Event: 22 Jan 2011 @ 11A SLT

bFlat Unplugged to perform LIVE @ A.R.t Galerie > 22 JAN 2011 @ 11A SLT
SLURL: A.R.t Galerie, New Boston Art Colony (47, 19, 23)

About bFlat: I have always loved to sing, and have been singing in RL since the mid '90s and online since 2004. While I also sing rock, pop, and jazz, I just have an affinity for the blues that won't go away. I've tried solo studio singing, and it's never worked for me; I need to sing to a live audience. I love to have fun and share my energy through song, and I'm pleased to have found SL!


* Van Caerndow
* briawinde Magic
* r0bin Helsinki

Very fine art! Please come visit!!! Dance, Sing, Celebrate Art! :-)
Teofila Matova