Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yet Another Fine Hosting of Artists!

Friday, 1 June 2012 @ 1P SLT (PDT)
Yes, once again, I'm hosting another live performance for our three exhibiting artists

  • Briawinde Magic (main floor)
  • Elbow Muggins (second floor)
  • Aruba DeCuir (top floor)
We have the pleasure of bFlat Unplugged performing live for us. Come listen to bFlat's sexy voice as he serenades us with fine jazz & pop tunes.   Bring your dance shoes, perhaps a friend and be prepared to enjoy some fabulous art work & music.

Join us @ A.R.t Galerie in Second Life

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Join us in celebrating our artistis!

Artists?  What artists?  :-)  Well, we have three very fine installations who will be at A.R.t Galerie through July.  Ringo Robonaught will entertain us Friday, 18 May @ 9A SLT, as we celebrate these artists and their talent.  Come as you are, please join us and perhaps bring a friend.  YAE!!!  :-)
  • Briawinde Magic (main floor)
  • Elbow Muggins (second floor)
  • Aruba DeCuir (top floor)  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Opening Our Next Exhibit!

May - June 2012
Featured Artists:
  • briawinde Magic (main floor)
  • Elbow Muggins (second floor)
  • Aruba DeCuir (top floor)

Please join us on our opening day, Friday, 4 May 2012 @ 10AM SLT LIVE w/ Joaquin Gustav!
Joaquin is an Argentinian acoustic/classical guitarist.  He's pure talent will certainly bring life to this dynamic exhibit and entertain your soul.